1. avgust – 5. avgust 2019
Središče Rotunda, Koper


Vabimo vas, da se udeležite petdnevnega rezidenčnega seminarja Čuječnost in ustvarjalnost/Mindfulness and Creativity in izkusite ustvarjalni proces v različnih umetnostnih medijih kot prakso čuječnosti.

(Samo)raziskovalni proces bo potekal v studiu Središča Rotunda v Kopru in v naravi; preko gibanja, pisanja, risanja, dela z glasom in zvokom idr. Poseben poudarek bo na Disciplini Avtentično gibanje: AG je kontemplativna gibalna praksa, ki se uvršča med osrednje pristope v sodobni plesno-gibalni psihoterapiji in izhaja iz Jungove aktivne imaginacije, zato je pogosto imenovana tudi gibalna oblika aktivne imaginacije. Za udeležbo ne potrebujete posebnih veščinskih predznanj – le veselje do umetnosti refleksije, samoraziskovanja in izražanja skozi različne umetnostne medije.

Izkustveni seminar vodi dr. Aleksandra Schuller, registrirana plesno-gibalna terapevtka, specializirana za Avtentično gibanje in transmodalitetno Ustvarjalno supervizijo.

Petdnevni rezidenčni umik bo izveden v dveh terminih, obe skupini bosta imeli enak program, razlikovali se bosta le po delovnem jeziku:

ČUJEČNOST in USTVARJALNOST: 1. avgust – 5. avgust 2019 (delovni jezik slovenščina)
MINDFULNESS and CREATIVITY: 22. avgust – 26. avgust 2019 (mednarodna skupina, delovni jezik angleščina)


Za podrobnejše informacije o programu in izvedbi lahko  kontaktirate izvajalko seminarja: aleksandra.schuller@guest.arnes.si.


Čuječnost in ustvarjalnost, prijavnica za termin 1-5 Avgust 2019, delovni jezik slovenščina





August 22 – August 26, 2019
Koper, Slovenija


Participants of the Mindfulness and Creativity (The Annual 5-days Creative Arts Retreat) will be invited to experience the creative arts process as a mindfulness practice. In our first-person research of the subtle qualities that mindfulness based arts practice can bring to lives and professional practice of educators, occupational and arts therapists, psychotherapists as well as health care/social workers and other helping professionals, we will be using various expressive arts modalities (movement, sound and voice, drawing, paper collage, photography and creative writing).

Our movement practice will be focused on The Discipline of Authentic Movement (AM), one of the central approaches in contemporary dance-movement therapy; its key theoretical concepts, methods/principles/elements and forms of performance, however, are also present in creative and reflexive processes of different psychotherapeutic, artistic and educational practices, in DMT Supervision and Creative Supervision, in Arts Based Research. Its roots are in Carl Gustav Jung’s technique active imagination, therefore it is also known by the names movement-in-depth, authentic movement, active imagination in movement and the moving imagination.

Our studio work will take place at the Rotunda Cultural Centre, situated at the heart of the Koper Old Town, with several accomodation options and the sea a few minutes walk away. Koper can be easily reached by plane (the nearest airports are Trieste and Ljubljana), train, bus or car.

Daily Schedule (studio work, from Thursday to Monday):

Thu: 19–21.30
Fri /Sat/Sun: 9 –12 hrs & 14–17 (lunch break from 12 to 14 hrs)
Mon: 9–12

We’ll be also working outside the studio, at dawn and during the early mornings, in the wonderful environment of the Sečovlje Salina Landscape Park and Škocjanski Zatok Nature Reserve.

Participation fee: 250 EUR (per person, maximum number of participants in a group is 8)

Language: English

Application deadline: June 15, 2019

Reatreat leader: Aleksandra Schuller holds a PhD in Literary Sciences (Performance Studies), MA in Arts Therapies, BA in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory. She is a registered dance-movement therapist with postgraduate specialization in Authentic Movement (with Janet Adler as her teacher), founding member and first president of the Slovenian Association of Dance Movement Therapists; an experienced performance artist and educator. Since 2006 she is part-time employed at the University of Primorska (Koper, Slovenija), where she lectures at the Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Education: focus of her pedagogical and research work is on arts therapies, arts based research, performance studies and creative supervision. With almost two decades of creative arts teaching practice in academic, lifelong learning and clinical settings, Aleksandra Schuller has also been a guest lecturer at Arts Therapies Postgraduate Programme at Faculty of Education (2007-2009) and Academy for Theatre, Radio, Film and Televison (2012) at University of Ljubljana; Instutite Knoll for Music Therapy and Supervision, Kranj, Slovenia (2015, 2016, 2018); at Creative Therapies Department at HANUniversity of Applied Sciences Nijmegen, Netherlands (2007, 2015), Hochschule für Künste im Sozialen Ottersberg, Germany (2009, 2015, 2019) and University of Malta (2008).


For further information please email to: aleksandra.schuller@guest.arnes.si